Data Arrays
The general representation of result lists in Dataview is the DataArray
, which is a proxied version of the JavaScript array with expanded
functionality. Data arrays support indexing and iteration (via for
and for ... of
loops), like normal arrays do, but
also include many data manipulation operators like sort
, groupBy
, distinct
, where
, and so on to make
manipulating tabular data easier.
Data arrays are returned by most Dataview APIs that can return multiple results, such as dv.pages()
. You can also
explicitly convert a normal JavaScript array into a Dataview array using dv.array(<array>)
. If you want to convert a
Data array back to a normal array, use DataArray#array()
Indexing and Swizzling
Data arrays support regular indexing just like normal arrays (like array[0]
), but importantly, they also support
query-language-style "swizzling": if you index into a data array with a field name (like array.field
), it
automatically maps every element in the array to field
, flattening field
if it itself is also an array.
For example, dv.pages()
will return a data array of all file names in your vault;
will return a flattened list of all genres in your books.
Raw Interface
The full interface for the data array implementation is provided below for reference:
/** A function which maps an array element to some value. */
export type ArrayFunc<T, O> = (elem: T, index: number, arr: T[]) => O;
/** A function which compares two types. */
export type ArrayComparator<T> = (a: T, b: T) => number;
* Proxied interface which allows manipulating array-based data. All functions on a data array produce a NEW array
* (i.e., the arrays are immutable).
export interface DataArray<T> {
/** The total number of elements in the array. */
length: number;
/** Filter the data array down to just elements which match the given predicate. */
where(predicate: ArrayFunc<T, boolean>): DataArray<T>;
/** Alias for 'where' for people who want array semantics. */
filter(predicate: ArrayFunc<T, boolean>): DataArray<T>;
/** Map elements in the data array by applying a function to each. */
map<U>(f: ArrayFunc<T, U>): DataArray<U>;
/** Map elements in the data array by applying a function to each, then flatten the results to produce a new array. */
flatMap<U>(f: ArrayFunc<T, U[]>): DataArray<U>;
/** Mutably change each value in the array, returning the same array which you can further chain off of. */
mutate(f: ArrayFunc<T, any>): DataArray<any>;
/** Limit the total number of entries in the array to the given value. */
limit(count: number): DataArray<T>;
* Take a slice of the array. If `start` is undefined, it is assumed to be 0; if `end` is undefined, it is assumed
* to be the end of the array.
slice(start?: number, end?: number): DataArray<T>;
/** Concatenate the values in this data array with those of another iterable / data array / array. */
concat(other: Iterable<T>): DataArray<T>;
/** Return the first index of the given (optionally starting the search) */
indexOf(element: T, fromIndex?: number): number;
/** Return the first element that satisfies the given predicate. */
find(pred: ArrayFunc<T, boolean>): T | undefined;
/** Find the index of the first element that satisfies the given predicate. Returns -1 if nothing was found. */
findIndex(pred: ArrayFunc<T, boolean>, fromIndex?: number): number;
/** Returns true if the array contains the given element, and false otherwise. */
includes(element: T): boolean;
* Return a string obtained by converting each element in the array to a string, and joining it with the
* given separator (which defaults to ', ').
join(sep?: string): string;
* Return a sorted array sorted by the given key; an optional comparator can be provided, which will
* be used to compare the keys in lieu of the default dataview comparator.
sort<U>(key: ArrayFunc<T, U>, direction?: "asc" | "desc", comparator?: ArrayComparator<U>): DataArray<T>;
* Return an array where elements are grouped by the given key; the resulting array will have objects of the form
* { key: <key value>, rows: DataArray }.
groupBy<U>(key: ArrayFunc<T, U>, comparator?: ArrayComparator<U>): DataArray<{ key: U; rows: DataArray<T> }>;
* Return distinct entries. If a key is provided, then rows with distinct keys are returned.
distinct<U>(key?: ArrayFunc<T, U>, comparator?: ArrayComparator<U>): DataArray<T>;
/** Return true if the predicate is true for all values. */
every(f: ArrayFunc<T, boolean>): boolean;
/** Return true if the predicate is true for at least one value. */
some(f: ArrayFunc<T, boolean>): boolean;
/** Return true if the predicate is FALSE for all values. */
none(f: ArrayFunc<T, boolean>): boolean;
/** Return the first element in the data array. Returns undefined if the array is empty. */
first(): T;
/** Return the last element in the data array. Returns undefined if the array is empty. */
last(): T;
/** Map every element in this data array to the given key, and then flatten it.*/
to(key: string): DataArray<any>;
* Recursively expand the given key, flattening a tree structure based on the key into a flat array. Useful for handling
* hierarchical data like tasks with 'subtasks'.
expand(key: string): DataArray<any>;
/** Run a lambda on each element in the array. */
forEach(f: ArrayFunc<T, void>): void;
/** Calculate the sum of the elements in the array. */
sum(): number;
/** Calculate the average of the elements in the array. */
avg(): number;
/** Calculate the minimum of the elements in the array. */
min(): number;
/** Calculate the maximum of the elements in the array. */
max(): number;
/** Convert this to a plain javascript array. */
array(): T[];
/** Allow iterating directly over the array. */
[Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<T>;
/** Map indexes to values. */
[index: number]: any;
/** Automatic flattening of fields. Equivalent to implicitly calling `"field")` */
[field: string]: any;