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DQL, JS and Inlines

Once you've added useful data to relevant pages, you'll want to actually display it somewhere or operate on it. Dataview allows this in four different ways, all of which are written in codeblocks directly in your Markdown and live-reloaded when your vault changes.

Dataview Query Language (DQL)

The Dataview Query Language (for short DQL) is a SQL-like language and Dataviews core functionality. It supports four Query Types to produce different outputs, data commands to refine, resort or group your result and plentiful functions which allow numerous operations and adjustments to achieve your wanted output.


If you are familiar with SQL, please read Differences to SQL to avoid confusing DQL with SQL.

You create a DQL query with a codeblock that uses dataview as type:

TABLE rating AS "Rating", summary AS "Summary" FROM #games
SORT rating DESC

Use backticks

A valid codeblock needs to use backticks (`) on start and end (three each). Do not confuse the backtick with the similar looking apostrophe ' !

Find a explanation how to write a DQL Query under the query language reference. If you learn better by example, take a look at the query examples.

Inline DQL

A Inline DQL uses a inline block format instead of a code block and a configurable prefix to mark this inline code block as a DQL block.


Change of DQL prefix

You can change the = to another token (like dv: or ~) in Dataviews' settings under "Codeblock Settings" > "Inline Query Prefix"

Inline DQL Queries display exactly one value somewhere in the middle of your note. They seamlessly blend into the content of your note:

Today is `= date(today)` - `= [[exams]].deadline - date(today)` until exams!

would, for example, render to

Today is November 07, 2022 - 2 months, 5 days until exams!

Inline DQL queries always display exactly one value, not a list (or table) of values. You can access the properties of the current page via prefix this. or a different page via [[linkToPage]]..

`= this.file.mtime`
`= this.someMetadataField`
`= [[secondPage]]`
`= [[secondPage]].file.mtime`
`= [[secondPage]].someMetadataField`

You can use everything available as expressions and literals in an Inline DQL Query, including functions. Query Types and Data Commands, on the other hand, are not available in Inlines.

Assignment due in `= this.due - date(today)`
Final paper due in `= [[Computer Science Theory]].due - date(today)`

🏃‍♂️ Goal reached? `= choice(this.steps > 10000, "YES!", "**No**, get moving!")`

You have `= length(filter(link(dateformat(date(today), "yyyy-MM-dd")).file.tasks, (t) => !t.completed))` tasks to do. `= choice(date(today).weekday > 5, "Take it easy!", "Time to get work done!")`

Dataview JS

The dataview JavaScript API gives you the full power of JavaScript and provides a DSL for pulling Dataview data and executing queries, allowing you to create arbitrarily complex queries and views. Similar to the query language, you create Dataview JS blocks via a dataviewjs-annotated codeblock:

let pages = dv.pages("#books and -#books/finished").where(b => b.rating >= 7);
for (let group of pages.groupBy(b => b.genre)) {
   dv.header(3, group.key);

Inside of a JS dataview block, you have access to the full dataview API via the dv variable. For an explanation of what you can do with it, see the API documentation, or the API examples.

Advanced usage

Writing Javascript queries is a advanced technique that requires understanding in programming and JS. Please be aware that JS Queries have access to your file system and be cautious when using other peoples' JS Queries, especially when they are not publicly shared through the Obsidian Community.

Inline Dataview JS

Similar to the query language, you can write JS inline queries, which let you embed a computed JS value directly. You create JS inline queries via inline code blocks:

`$= dv.current().file.mtime`

In inline DataviewJS, you have access to the dv variable, as in dataviewjs codeblocks, and can make all of the same calls. The result should be something which evaluates to a JavaScript value, which Dataview will automatically render appropriately.

Unlike Inline DQL queries, Inline JS queries do have access to everything a Dataview JS Query has available and can hence query and output multiple pages.

Change of Inline JS prefix

You can change the $= to another token (like dvjs: or $~) in Dataviews' settings under "Codeblock Settings" > "Javascript Inline Query Prefix"