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Dataview query language literals are expressions which represent constant values like a text ("Science") or a number (2021). They can be used as part as functions or of expressions like comparison. Some examples of Queries that use literals:

Literal (number) 2022 used in a comparison
WHERE = 2022

Literal (text) "Math" used in a function call
WHERE contains(, "Math")

Literal (link) [[Study MOC]] used as a source
FROM [[Study MOC]]

Literal (date) date(yesterday) used in a comparison
WHERE !completed AND = date(yesterday)

Literal (duration) dur(2 days) used in a comparison
WHERE end - start > dur(2 days)


Literals are static values that can be used as part of the Dataview Query Language (DQL), i.e. for comparisons.

The following is an extensive, but non-exhaustive list of possible literals in DQL.


Literal Description
0 The number zero
1337 The positive number 1337
-200 The negative number -200
"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" Text (sometimes referred to as "string")
[[Science]] A link to the file named "Science"
[[]] A link to the current file
[1, 2, 3] A list of numbers 1, 2, and 3
[[1, 2],[3, 4]] A list of list [1, 2] and [3, 4]
{ a: 1, b: 2 } An object with keys a and b, whereas a has value 1, b 2.
date(2021-07-14) A date (read more below)
dur(2 days 4 hours) A duration (read more below)

Literals as field values

Literals are only interpreted this way when used inside a Query, not when used as a meta data value. For possible values and their data types for fields, please refer to Types of Metadata.


Whenever you use a field value in Date ISO format, you'll need to compare these fields against date objects. Dataview provides some shorthands for common use cases like tomorrow, start of current week etc. Please note that date() is also a function, which can be called on text to extract dates.

Literal Description
date(2021-11-11) A date, November 11th, 2021
date(2021-09-20T20:17) A date, September 20th, 2021 at 20:17
date(today) A date representing the current date
date(now) A date representing the current date and time
date(tomorrow) A date representing tomorrow's date
date(yesterday) A date representing yesterday's date
date(sow) A date representing the start of the current week
date(eow) A date representing the end of the current week
date(som) A date representing the start of the current month
date(eom) A date representing the end of the current month
date(soy) A date representing the start of the current year
date(eoy) A date representing the end of the current year


Durations are representatives of a time span. You can either define them directly or create them due to calculating with dates, and use these for i.e. comparisons.


Literal Description
dur(1 s) one second
dur(3 s) three seconds
dur(1 sec) one second
dur(3 secs) three seconds
dur(1 second) one second
dur(3 seconds) three seconds


Literal Description
dur(1 m) one minute
dur(3 m) three minutes
dur(1 min) one minute
dur(3 mins) three minutes
dur(1 minute) one minute
dur(3 minutes) three minutes


Literal Description
dur(1 h) one hour
dur(3 h) three hours
dur(1 hr) one hour
dur(3 hrs) three hours
dur(1 hour) one hour
dur(3 hours) three hours


Literal Description
dur(1 d) one day
dur(3 d) three days
dur(1 day) one day
dur(3 days) three days


Literal Description
dur(1 w) one week
dur(3 w) three weeks
dur(1 wk) one week
dur(3 wks) three weeks
dur(1 week) one week
dur(3 weeks) three weeks


Literal Description
dur(1 mo) one month
dur(3 mo) three month
dur(1 month) one month
dur(3 months) three months


Literal Description
dur(1 yr) one year
dur(3 yrs) three years
dur(1 year) one year
dur(3 years) three years


Literal Description
dur(1 s, 2 m, 3 h) three hours, two minutes, and one second
dur(1 s 2 m 3 h) three hours, two minutes, and one second
dur(1s 2m 3h) three hours, two minutes, and one second
dur(1second 2min 3h) three hours, two minutes, and one second