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A dataview source is something that identifies a set of files, tasks, or other data. Sources are indexed internally by Dataview, so they are fast to query. The most prominent use of sources is the FROM data command. They are also used in various JavaScript API query calls.

Types of Sources

Dataview currently supports four source types.


Sources of the form #tag. These match all files / sections / tasks with the given tag.

FROM #homework


Sources of the form "folder". These match all files / sections / tasks contained in the given folder and its sub folders. The full vault path is expected instead of just the folder name. Note that trailing slashes are not supported, i.e. "Path/To/Folder/" will not work but "Path/To/Folder" will.

TABLE file.ctime, status
FROM "projects/brainstorming"

Specific Files

You can select from a specific file by specifying it's full path: "folder/File".

  • If you have both a file and a folder with the exact same path, Dataview will prefer the folder. You can force it to read from the file by specifying an extension: folder/
LIST WITHOUT ID next-in-line
FROM "30 Hobbies/Games/Dashboard"

You can either select links to a file, or all links from a file.

  • To obtain all pages which link to [[note]], use [[note]].
  • To obtain all pages which link from [[note]] (i.e., all the links in that file), use outgoing([[note]]).
  • You can implicitly reference the current file via [[#]] or [[]], i.e. [[]] lets you query from all files linking to the current file.
FROM [[]]

FROM outgoing([[Dashboard]])

Combining Sources

You can compose these filters in order to get more advanced sources using and and or.

  • For example, #tag and "folder" will return all pages in folder and with #tag.
  • Querying from #food and !#fastfood will only return pages that contain #food but does not contain #fastfood.
  • [[Food]] or [[Exercise]] will give any pages which link to [[Food]] OR [[Exercise]].

If you have complex queries where grouping or precedence matters, you can use parenthesis to logically group them:

  • #tag and ("folder" or #other-tag)
  • (#tag1 or #tag2) and (#tag3 or #tag4)